Monday, January 3, 2011

Tuesday's Workout

Abs Supersets:
Begin by warming your body up. 12-15 minutes walking at the fastest, comfortable speed at the highest Incline available. After that get a good stretch in, legs and abs! Do 1 workout, rest 1 minute. Rest 1 minute between sets.  ALWAYS keep your abs contracted, breathe out every time you work your abs.

1. Vertical Crunches (lay down, left straight up, crunch, don't let your chin touch your chest).
2. Reverse Vertical Crunches (lay down on a bench press bar, hands on the bar, lift butt and legs in the air).
3. Hanging Leg Raise (hang from a pull-up bar, slow and controlled lift legs above your waist and lower).
4. Russian Ball Twists (sit at an angle, legs off the ground a little and at v-angle and twist side to side).
5. Exercise Ball Crunch (crunches on exercise ball).
6. Roman Leg Lifts (sit straight up on seat, lift weight with legs as high as you can)
7. Mountain Climbers

All of these workouts 2-3 sets of 20! Make sure to stretch your abs good when done and drink your protein!
Enjoy =]

This was in help of Men's FitnessRx magazine with mod's.

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