Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wednesday's Workout

Wednesday's workout isn't to tough, your still probably sore from the last two days, but that's good, that means your working your body and making a difference. Make sure to push yourself in this workout because tomorrow is a day off!! Be sure that you are drinking plenty of water, drinking a protein shake after workouts, and eating habits are changing for the better or the workouts will be no good.

Run 2 Miles Intervals. This meaning if you can go to a track outdoors (4 laps = 1 mile). So warm-up by stretching out a little and taking a quick brisk walk around the track. Beginning at the curve, jog the curve and then sprint the straightaways. Now after a few laps, your body might tell you to stop, but you know you can keep going, if your sprint slows down a little, that's ok, as long as you finish and push yourself. If you can't get to a track, on the treadmill, jog roughly (.05) then sprint (.15) then jogging (.05) and so forth because that would equal .25 which is one lap. 


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