Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday's Workout

Now don't be scared when I post these workouts, don't let them intimidate you with the distance or amount of work. You have to put forth the effort if you want results, period. Now if i say run 15 miles one day, and you can only run 1, push yourself, you may not finish but you may run a mile, rest, run one more mile, and so on and get to 5 miles, but its better then where you were before! Now if you have questions about any of the workouts i post, just ask me, i will be glad to help out. Now this workout is for people who have been somewhat active but need a good foundation workout. If this is too hard for you, again at least try or push your self to the most you can.

Walk for a couple of minutes to get the blood flowing.

Jog 3 (three) miles in a park/around your neighborhood. I know its cold outside now, so you can use a treadmill which is also good because you can track your time and distance better. 

After wards stretch! Very Important. Really stretch those hamstrings, calf's, and quads since you just used them big time. Try doing about 10 different stretches for about 10 seconds each. If you feel tight later on during the day, stretch some more, and be sure to stay hydrated throughout this process, very important!

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