Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tony Horton is a Genius..

Not only because he created the P90X workout, which is phenomenal by the way. You are gaining muscle and losing fat all different ways and getting in the best shape you have probably been in, in awhile. Tony Horton also knows how to eat right and lead by example. Today I was reading some status's from Real World Fit, Muscletech, Gaspari, and then I came across P90X.

"Eat well-balanced meals and remember that excessive calories, even if they are fat-free and high protein will turn to excess weight! No matter what the latest fad diet, extra calories equals extra weight!"

Now this seems pretty logical, Duh! But most people don't actual follow this day to day, I know sometimes I don't and its made me think. All those foods that say fat free and stuff like that, you think..."I can have some to munch on because no harm, no foul right?" What Tony Horton says here is absolutely true, if you think about working out in a day and the calories you think burning more calories then you eat, your losing weight, true. But what you don't usually think about is the "light" snacks that you enjoy because their fat free and healthy. Those usually consume AT LEAST 100 calories in them, most of the time people eat more then 1 portion because hey, its fat-free so no harm done. But as I read this I thought, this is totally true. All extra food no matter "fat free, etc" is still extra poundage in your body. I usually eat good and control my portions, but some days I find snacks that are "fat free or low in carbs and high in protein" so i think i can have a couple helpings because it won't hurt me. But then when results don't come as fast as I want them too, I only have 1 person to blame, myself. So take Tony Horton's advice, control your calorie intake and make sure your burning off more then you consume if losing weight is your goal. 

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