Friday, January 28, 2011

Why I Love Super-Sets..

..and why they are a great weight lifting workout to maximize strength gains and burn more fat.
This is one of my favorite combination's on my "Chest and Back" day. Incline dumbbell press works the chest very good, then right after i drop the weights, I walk over to the pull up bar and knock out my set of pull ups, which is the best back workout in my opinion, then rest for 1 minute before I do it all over again. I do 4 sets of 8-12 because I look for size gain, I start with 65's then go to 70,75, 80 for the dumbbell incline press then I do over hand wide grip, under hand, close hand, then over hand close grip on the pull ups to work different parts of the back. Doing super sets allows me to maximize the time I am at the gym and reducing my resting time so that I work more. I work my chest then immediately work my back, rest, then repeat until I finish all the sets, take a 2 minutes rest, then move onto a different chest and back routine. This is the same for biceps and triceps, and upper and lower legs. I think you have the idea of what a super set is now. Your burning more fat because your not sitting around resting for 5 minutes, your working two large muscle groups, resting one while you use the other. Try doing some super sets today, I promise you, you will become stronger, see more muscle definition, and less time at the gym so more time for other things! Enjoy  

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