Friday, February 25, 2011

Don't be afraid of Creatine..

When I tell people that I take supplements Pre and Post that contain Creatine Mono-hydrate in them they automatically assume I am trying to get super bulky and think of it as some type of Steroid or something. Creatine is actually a very good supplement to be taking regularly in your workout routine, mainly males.
"An amino acid 2-(carbamimidoyl-methyl- amino)acetic acid which naturally occurs in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to muscle and nerve cells"
See, creatine is a natural body substance your body provides, but giving your body more increases your training goals:
1. Lifting weights- Creatine helps shuffle water and energy to your muscles to help them grow and be more full, thus helping you lift more and heavier. So in turn, your gaining more muscle. Also after you lift it helps repair your muscle tissues and speed up recovery time so you can get back in the gym the next day and lift and not be so sore and say I'll just take a few days break.
2. Cardiovascular Training- Most people are surprised when I say this, but Creatine also (in males only) helps improve high intensity exercise capacity. It increases the peak running capacity, it's basically a boost of energy to your muscles and helps you run faster and longer, I personally have noticed a difference. 

So now you know some what about Creatine, you should think about trying to incorporate it into your workout/training schedule.
this is what I take for post workout because it contains creatine monohydrate and fast carbs to help recover my muscles and repair the muscles better. 

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