Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stop taking the easy way out.

Yes I am being serious. Everyone always wants to lose weight, period. Everyone wants that beach body or to just look really good. You have to take this into consideration...your body took 9 months to be created, you spent years probably not really working out and eating junk food or unhealthy foods. Why on earth would you think in 1 month you can become this super lean, beach body machine. Some people just have the genes where their metabolism runs super high all the time so they were able to eat all they wanted and stay skinny, but usually the want bigger muscles or more leanness and that also takes time. For the majority of us, we ate all we wanted, and paid the price of bulging stomachs or un-wanted fat. It is very easy to gain weight but harder to lose it, why? That's just the way life is and we have to deal with it, but it doesn't have to be like that.

But Matthew, I don't have time in my schedule to workout all the time. I hate this excuse, your telling me you can't spare just 45-60 minutes a day to help change your life for the better, be serious.

Lets say that you can only workout 2-3 times a week because you just have so many things you honestly can't work out that much, ill give you the benefit of the doubt. Eating the right foods, can help you lose weight and not gain it. Really Matt?? Yes. Stop eating Mcdonalds and all that crappy food. Start thinking natural. In paleolithic days or spartan days they didn't say, hey lets stop for some whoppers at BK because today is our cheat day, they eat vegetables, meats, fruits, and nuts. Giving your body proper portions (not over eating) and eating the right foods can help you lose weight and not put on those extra pounds if your not able to workout as much. you still need to try and workout more often, at least try to incorporate sprinting up some stairs for 45-60 seconds, then walking and repeating 5-10 times, thats a great little fat burning quick workout. 

As I was saying though, stop being lazy people. You can't just hope to take some diet pills and still eat fast food, or not workout because the diet pills are burning all the fat up anyway, you can't be serious right now. Some diet pills work, yes. But that means working out and eating right to help them work. Getting in shape, having low body fat, getting big muscles, whatever your goals are..they take TIME. If you want to be ripped and skinny for the summer time, you should have started a few months ago honestly (depending where you are in your fitness). I mean look at my progression photo's, the last one I took was about 3 weeks ago and I can already tell a big difference because I have been eating right, cycling my carbs, working out, resting, doing all the right things. If I would have taken it more seriously towards the beginning I would be a lot farther than I am now, but like most people I yo-yo'd back and forth a little because I would eat the occasional wendy's or mcdonalds, go out drinking late nights, etc. If you want to get fit, lose weight, whatever, you do need to take it some what seriously. Start eating healthy foods, the Kroger here has an organic isles that i get whole wheat noodles, whole grain crackers, organic fruit spread, etc...all these little things and choices that you make go a long way. Like they always say, your body is a temple and you are what you eat. It is so true, feed your body the right foods, forget all that processed food, saturated fat, high fructose corn syrup, your body doesn't need it.

Granted, it isn't the easiest thing to go cold turkey off soda, fast foods, etc and just switch to a healthy diet and regular exercise. So don't go 100% into it right away if your not used to it because it usually leads to failure. Slowly start working out, adding time, days, distance, to your program. Start drinking less soda and limiting fast food and switching to whole grain foods, organic foods, lean meats. Your body will appreciate it and when you start seeing results you'll know it was all worth it and that you didn't really need that extra mcdouble and fries with the coke. I haven't had fast food or soda in so long, but my body isn't craving it at all seriously. I almost get grossed out just looking at the food, if you actually look at the supplement facts in the foods that you can order, that should make you not want to eat it just aside from looking at the greasy, mayonnaise filled thing.

Well i just wanted to share this because I know some people who are either taking diet pills but not doing anything and just banking on the pills to do everything. People who workout all the time but then go to fast food or restaurants and order a bunch of crap and a lot of alcohol and waste the workout. I am not saying you have to be 100% workout, healthy eating machine..but you do need to take this some what seriously because your taking years off your life without it..and wouldn't you rather look good in your 30' or 40's as you get older then be the typical fat, bulging stomach, couch potato? Do something about it, change your life for the better!

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