Monday, March 7, 2011

Partied hard last night, now what?

I am using this an example because the past few months I have been really clean about what I eat and not drinking alcohol. I had some good friends from VA come visit me in KY. Went to Louisville 4th street live for mardi gras. Didn't eat too bad, still ordered chicken and broccoli for dinner, but appetizers, alcohol, and late night slices of pizza hurt. Lets say your in the same ball park. The night before you partied, drank, and ate a bunch of starchy, carby, fatty foods. What's the best step for the next day. Well upon waking up, lets hope you got some good sleep..drink at least 16oz of water or more. Go for a run, or do some kind of cardio workout for about an hour. You don't have to do hardcore cardio because your body is pretty drained and dehydrated from the night before. Make sure you start eating good again for breakfast, eating your proteins and fibers and healthy fats. Keep drinking lots of water all day and get back on your daily eating good, working out program. If you want at night, hit the gym for some weight lifting (light workout, lots of reps-burns more calories). Give your body some much needed rest and get back on track. :)

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